Big thanks to Beer Advocate member Bstyle for hooking me up with a can of this! So excited to have a full can off this!
Ok, lets get to it! The pour brought out 2 finger head and a orange/copper color to it with about a 2 finger head. And holy crap, I can smell this thing from here! Wowzers!
The aroma on this is where everything starts to shine and really makes me even more excited for the first sip! Grapefruit right upfront and a peachiness in the back end. I have heard and read about a peach character in the aroma and wow is that ever apparent! Beautiful aroma! Grapefruit and candy coated peaches. Smells like a hop heads dessert. I am in for a treat!
First sip and bam! Bitterness and a candied hop flavor. Grapefruit, a little bit of that peach to it and a sweet floral hop note just overwhelming the palate! Holy crap this is amazing! I may have to start trading regularly to get more of this. To add to the complexity of this, there is also a nice bready/biscuit note in there too. Heaven Oh. My. God.
Mouthfeel is light to medium and is perfect for what I look for in an imperial IPA. Bitterness lingers but as does that hoppy flavor.
Overall this is everything I wanted this beer to be and then some. Starts from the pour (Can says to drink the from can. Don't worry, I'll be drinking the rest from the can.) Aroma starts the rush and the taste only solidifies it greatness. Believe the hype of this beer as it is truly something very special!
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